Cranberry +health™ Juice Drink
Clinically proven to reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic UTIs in healthy women, with the highest concentration of cranberry compounds available among Ocean Spray® juice drink products.

- Over 50 years of well-documented research has shown that cranberries have a unique combination of compounds that can be an effective method in maintaining urinary tract health through their unique anti-adhesive properties against bacteria that cause UTIs.
- In a recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN) it was demonstrated that drinking one 8-ounce (240 mL) of cranberry juice drink‡ per day can lower the number of recurrent symptomatic UTIs in women, therefore reducing the burdens associated with UTIs and the amount of antibiotics used to treat them.
- Eight ounces (240 mL) a day of the the highest strength Ocean Spray® Cranberry +health™ juice drink formula contains an average of 120mg of PACs per 8 FL oz of serving.
- Available exclusively at hospitals, long-term/managed care facilities and retirement homes.
‡Can be a nutritional approach to maintaining urinary tract health American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2016